If you find your children have the problem with their learning process, such as they are afraid to read loudly, it indicates that they get the learning disability. Then, what is learning disability? Actually, it is caused by the nervousness that affects the way of children achieving and processing the information. However, it does not mean that they are dumb, less intelligence, or even lazy. Commonly, the types of learning disability include the problems with speaking, listening, writing, reading, math, and reasoning.
Types of learning disability involve the skill of school area mostly about reading, math and, writing. First, it is called by dyslexia, the learning disorder in reading. In dyslexia itself, there two types of problems—basic and comprehend reading. The basic one happens if the children understand difficulty letters, words, and sounds relationship. While the comprehension ones occurs when the children are difficult to understand meanings of phrase, sentence, and paragraphs.
Second is dyscalculia that is math learning disorder. This math learning problem is affected by the disability in language, visual, or difficulty in sequencing, memorizing, or organizing. Also, they are quite difficult in counting and telling time. Third is dysgraphia or learning problem in writing. This writing disorder involves physically or mentally. The physical writing disorder covers the difficulty to form words and letters. Then, mental writing problem is the difficulty in comprehending information on the paper.
On the other side, types of learning disability also involve the problems in motoric skills, differentiating sounds, comprehending visual information, and understanding the spoken language. The motoric skills disorder or dyspraxia is the problems related to movement and coordination such as the problems in cutting, jumping, or running. It is in line with the information resulted by brains.
Then, there is dysphasia/aphasia, learning problem in language. It is about the disability in understanding or producing the spoken languages. It can be seen from the difficulty in retelling story or less fluent in speech. Next is the problem with audio visual process. It is the problem in inputting information to brain. The audio processing problems influence the ability of spelling, reading, and writing. Then, the visual problems involve the difficulty in distinguishing shape, reversing number and letters, also in hand-eye coordination.
In addition, there are still any types of learning disability affected by the depression, anxiety, and trauma. As results, The ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism can be occurred. ADHD is usually the problem with focus, sitting still, or rather noisy. While autism, it deals with the problems of commutation, social, or body languages.